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4User Scenarios and Stories_ UX
4User Scenarios and Stories_ UX Class (1

Scenarios and

User Stories

During this stage, I went on to define the tasks I wanted to create user stories for, the user stories that would inform what wireframes and prototype I would build.

The scenarios I settled on (not shown in the slides) were:

1. Volunteer will write their first API documentation.

2. Requester will make their first request for an API doc.

3. Requester will monitor the progress of their submission.

Note: These scenarios were not completely identified at this stage. (I was still in the process of figuring out which user stories were the most central to a minimum viable product for a wireframe.)

In the end, my user stories, epics, sub-tasks, and the other thoughts I gathered helped take my personas to the next level by giving me an idea of what they wanted to do and how they might go about doing that on my site.

I am interested in doing this again with future apps that I build (and documentation), and I am especially interested in gaining experience related to the use of user stories in agile and in design sprints.

4User Scenarios and Stories_ UX Class (2
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